Hung, drawn and lights replaced: we stepped it up and mopped up some extra tasks

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Kingston upon Thames.

  • Kingston upon Thames runner
  • Kingston upon Thames runner
Sunday, 6th of January 2019

We arrived full of beans for our first mission of the year, and were welcomed in by Ms J. We were there to hang some curtains but Ms J said that she’d been puzzled by how to replace the mop head - so we didn’t hang around and set to work on a bonus task.

Mop head replaced (we think!), we bounced upstairs to hang the freshly laundered curtains. Ms J has already done the fiddly part of putting the plastic things on the tape, so it was a matter of us taking it in turns to hang one curtain each whilst the other held the fabric and admired the view over the allotments.

Curtains hung, Ms J also mentioned that her light bulb had blown in her hallway, so we got to work on our second bonus task of the mission. Samia took out a light bulb from the spare room that Ms J could manage without and Caroline installed it in the hallway.

Lights on, hat-trick complete, we had a bit more of a natter and then bid Ms J farewell.

Report written by Kingston upon Thames runner

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Dom Tooze
Dom Tooze
Tuesday January 8th, 2019 14:47

Amazing stuff, both. Love a quick and manageable bonus task!

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