

How much did we move it? Too many degrees

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Lewisham.

  • Dom Tooze
  • Southwark runner
Saturday, 29th of June 2019

On the hottest day anywhere ever (I think), Anna and I went to Mr H's home to help his wife get some bits moved so he is one step closer to coming home.

Anna and I had both tackled Dulwich parkrun (unofficial estimates suggest it was slightly warmer than the surface of the sun) beforehand, then made our way over. We met the lovely Mrs H, who advised that since it's been a week since the OT team passed the request to GoodGym, and a friend had helped her move a few bits already, there would be a bit less task than initially planned.

Given that the Forest Hill area was approximately as hot as Mount Doom (outside of eagle season), we were both a scooch relieved about this! We went about moving the bits of Mrs H's list; some so her husband's equipment can be delivered, others so that she and his carers can do what they need to do to help him recover.

It was lovely hearing about their history in the house (them having lived there 60 years), and chatting about their family's history in the West Country. We took in a few of their old maps, and when moving bits in Mr H's workshop, Mrs H showed us some tools that had been made and engraved by Mr H's great uncle which were pretty nifty.

It was an enjoyable hour, and hopefully we made Mrs H feel a bit more confident about her husband coming home.

Report written by Dom Tooze

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Richard Taylor
Richard Taylor
Monday July 1st, 2019 09:27

I'm sure Mrs H appreciated the help you gave her, and kudos for getting out there in such hot weather!

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