

Hall's well that ends well

3 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Camden.

  • Alexander Kenmure
  • Faye Wade
  • Amanda Ng
Saturday, 4th of April 2015

As three intrepid GoodGym-ers (Faye, Amanda and Alex) arrived on an unseasonably chilly Saturday morning, we felt grateful for an indoor mission to help out Mrs B with sprucing up her hallway with a lick of paint. Our cockles were soon warmed both by Mrs B’s flat and the welcome we got as we with great discipline we declined an initial cup of tea and got down to business laying down dust sheets, stirring paints and figuring out how to put rollers together.

It may have been our first mission together outside of group runs, but the seamless co-ordination between ourselves was a true wonder as we dodged and skirted around each other painting doors and frames with only minor splashes of paint on each other’s elbows, hands and hair! There was an admirable attention to detail displayed by all, in spite of bizarre radio chat show conversations (songs about trying to murder ex-girlfriends anyone???) and plenty of chat and banter with Mrs B, particularly at Alex’s expense from the GoodGym drinks on Thursday night/Friday morning……

After an initial coat, we stood back, had a cup of tea and admired our handiwork. It was already looking great and with cuppas downed we made our final touches and cleaned ourselves up. Mrs B was hugely appreciative of our efforts and already has an eye on the team to come back and do some more decorating!!! Cups washed, painting gear scrubbed and rubbish bins emptied we said our goodbyes and headed back outside with cold legs maybe, but definitely warm hearts.

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FRIENDLY GROUP SESSION!! 💚 Finishing Touches to Our Redecoration Efforts at the Brady Arts Centre!!

Wednesday 18:15 - 19:45
Led by Alex Murtough

Opposite Barbican Underground Station

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