
Community mission

Fair's Fair

2 GoodGymers made their way to help the St Luke's Church in Derby.

  • Derby runner
  • Pete Emery
Sunday, 4th of June 2023
Led by Derby runner

On Saturday 10th June, St Luke's Church will be holding a summer fayre between 10 and 12, and GoodGym were invited to help promote the event by delivering flyers to the surrounding houses.

Pete had begun the good deed in advance, having already collected the leaflets, so he gave Tracey her fair share, and we set to work posting them through the local letterboxes. We covered a fair distance; almost as long as a junior parkrun, though quite a bit slower!

You are welcome to come along to the event, and enjoy the fare, including delicious cakes as well as other refreshments.

Report written by Derby runner

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Led by Tracey

GoodGym Derby TaskForce member

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GoodGym Derby foodbank session

Tuesday 19:00 - 20:30
Led by Rachel Carthy
Leonardo Hotel

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