
Group run

Donna'n Blitzen enlighten'ed while we brightened

11 GoodGymers made their way 6.0km to help the The Rowans in Worthing.

  • Belinda Robinson
  • Tamsin Cornwall
  • Lucy Booth
  • Anne Blokhus
  • Paul Woodcock
  • Roxy Nevzorova
  • Christina
  • Worthing runner
  • Stephen Blaine
Monday, 12th of November 2018

Rememberan-its all about helping

On a fairly damp blustery night we met up at Worthing Leisure Centre so that we were nearer to the task which was at The Rowans ,a brain injury rehabilitation day centre.

Here at GG Worthing we are a really sociable and friendly bunch and we love to welcome new people to our group. This evening it was a compete delight to welcome Kristina back and newbie Andi to our group run and task. Chuck in some regulars including Paul,Belinda Jay, Lucy together with Roxy who returned on her night off to join us again and not forgetting Steve on his second visit to us and finally Anne , Tamsin and Gemmie who met us directly at the task.

Following some introductions we braved the elements and headed out on the run out to the task . As we rounded the corner we could hear Jemmie's excited welcoming laughter and we were also met by Debbie who was our task master for the evening.

Row'(a)n around -all hands on dec' or (p)ainting

Debbie explained that there were 2 tasks tonight. One to clean all the equipment in the 3 of the gyms with anti bac cleaner and the other to undercoat 2 walls in one of day rooms.

Th group quickly split into two with Belinda,Andi , Kristina , Roxy , Paul and Anne armed with cloths and spray guns in the gym and Jay, Steve, Lucy, Tamsin and Jemmie painting. It was really great for me to flip between rooms and pick up all the usual GG banter plus some interesting photo moments ( Belinda! )

Painting was so emulsional

As we all know GoodGymers love to go the extra mile and tonight was no exception with Jay extending his roller and generous spirit to the pink wall that we painted last time :) Paul also set Lucy up encouraging more mischief on the same wall before personally trying to cover up his naughtiness. All in all it was such a happy 40 minutes and was a pleasure to be a part of.

With the cleaning finished in the gyms the whole team piled into the day room to finish with a 5 minute manic painting challenge on the final wall together with some extra anti bac cleaning by Anne and Jemmie.

Paint pots and brushes soaked and cleaning materials tidied (plus the light turned off in day room where the team had painted!) we headed for the dining room where some of the tables and chairs had been pushed to the side making a perfect mini arena for our fitness session.

That moment when you realise burpees are a part of life

Tonight all the team really did excel themselves with the continuation of their November challenge of 100 burpees a day by the 4th week of the month.

Week 2 of the challenge and most of the team are on 50 burpees per day. This evening I decided to mix it up a bit and incorporate the press ups too.

So we all did 10 burpees 10 full press ups 10 squats

We repeated this 5 times with 10 extra burpees on the last round and I didn't hear a single moan. Either they are getting easier or the team have been brainwashed into the above caption !

Fitness session done we had a team photo with Debbie before embarking on our run back to base.

A Dry November? Who's kidding who?!

On the 1.5 k run back to base we were treated to a stormy deluge of rain and wind which soaked everyone possibly more than the infamous dip in the sea back in the long hot summer! For those of the team doing a sober November it was probably the wettest they are likely to get until 1/12

Back at base we had a mutual team thank you especially to our new ladies Kristina and Andi and a see you next week before Jay and I smashed out his final 40 burpees to make up his 100 per day.

Group run and Social news

Next week we are meeting back at Splashpoint Leisure Centre to head out for some Christmas wrapping up for the homeless.

If you can spare some time Saturday morning parkrun are in need of volunteers.

Christmas night date for your diary is Tuesday 11th December. Please let me know ASAP if you can make it.

From this Thursday its 75 burpees per day ( Yay ! )

Anyone who is not on the whats app group and would like to be please send me your mobile number.

Have a great week team !

Love your fitness

Julia x

Report written by JULIA GLEESON

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I love the concept of getting physically and mentally fit whilst combining it with helping others. I run most days.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Belinda Robinson

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English Martyrs School

Monday 18:00 - 19:15
English Martyrs School

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