

Blackberry central

1 GoodGymer made their way to help an isolated older person in Sheffield.

  • Sheffield runner
Friday, 21st of July 2023
Here's what Mrs V of S4 had to say about the mission:

"I just wanted to say a massive thank you for doing some gardening at my mum’s bungalow last week. It’s hard for me to keep on top of things like that as I work full time and have two young children. So I really appreciated the help. It was organised through mum’s social worker at Sheffield City Council. The volunteer that came did a great job."

Mrs V of S4, mission beneficiary

Ms V had a lovely back garden with a few unruly plants but some lovely ragwort, brambles, buddlea and docks which had come a little too close to the back door and house. I cleared the main central patio section and tidied the edges a bit in the time available which left plenty of blackberries for the birds and edging for wildlife. We had a really nice chat and the brambles are a bit further from the back door and the house now looks lived in.

Report written by Sheffield runner

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