

Between the showers ☔️

1 GoodGymer made their way to help an isolated older person in Wandsworth.

  • Sarah Beck
Tuesday, 31st of May 2022

I headed over to Mr and Mrs Bs house a little later than planned due to some heavy rain and thunder. Mr B is blind and so is no longer able to take care of the back garden. However he had been bored recently and so had pruned to the ground a few plants 😂. Unfortunately I couldn’t do much to those plants but I was able to prune a few others, pull some weeds out and pull weeds out from in between the patio. All before it started raining again!

Report written by Sarah Beck

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Bromley runner
Bromley runner
Wednesday June 1st, 2022 10:20

Nice one, Sarah!

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Battersea Arts Centre

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