Bench you never thought we'd make it that far

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Kingston upon Thames.

  • Kingston upon Thames runner
  • Kate Haworth
Sunday, 2nd of June 2019

One sunny Sunday morning, two girls went to mow, went to mow a garden. Once again we returned to see Mr P and his garden. The previous few missions work had disappeared under all the new spring growth, welcome to the jungle we thought! Mr P was pleased to see us again, I see your pair of secateurs and raise you a strimmer, mower and an extension cable, he said.

We knew there was a garden in there somewhere, so off to work we went. We started with the secateurs, cutting back the shrubs taking over the patio and then fighting our way to the lawn at the back with everything in the shed. The hoe and the rake both got a look in but it was the mower that really did the business and cut through almost everything. What the mower didn't get, the strimmer did and with our strimmer repair skills graduating from ammature to semi-pro we made our way to the lawn at the back...and once again we found our favourite seat.

Bench you never thought we'd make it this far, Kate said. Indeed, path me the broom and let's clear up the mess we made, said Caroline. Adding today's cuttings to the pile, which was starting to look like Mount Everest, we took a few shots to show Mr P and then made tracks to enjoy the last of the weekend sunshine.

Report written by Kingston upon Thames runner


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Kingston upon Thames runner
Kingston upon Thames runner
Sunday June 2nd, 2019 23:09

Yayyyyyyy!!! You got to use the lawnmower at last!!! Can’t believe those photos after our first mission, what a transformation. Brilliant job, well done guys - I bet Mr P was delighted!

Dom Tooze
Dom Tooze
Monday June 3rd, 2019 14:48

Well done both - a solid effort and a big relief for Mr P!

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