
Community mission

A litter bit of picking

8 GoodGymers made their way to help their local community in Wandsworth.

  • Helen Killingley
  • Stephanie Stevenson
  • David Ewens
  • Wandsworth runner
  • Lenka
  • Bastian Ocayo
  • Zak
  • Šana
Saturday, 8th of June 2019
Led by Helen Killingley

This was a community mission with a difference as we joined forces with Plogolution to make our mark on Wandsworth.

Firstly, a big welcome to Sana on her first good deed. Do give her a cheer. Great also to have Bastian and Zac on their second. It was equally lovely to have some tourists over from Lambeth and Richmond to come and clean up Wandsworth.

So...plogolution, fresh off the back of their 'ultra plog' along the length of the River Thames, were thrilled to have the support of Wandsworth Council as part of their MyWandsworth campaign to keep the Borough clean and tidy. What a turn out from community members and great to help spread the word about what GoodGym do on a regular basis. In all, 116 turned out.

After we'd been kitted out with T-shirt, gloves and degradable bags, a welcome from Councillor Steffi Sutters, cabinet member for environment we split into walking and running groups.

The walking group - with David, Lenka, Bastian and Zac - covered about 2km exploring King George's Park finding wine glasses, spoons and plenty of cans, glass and plastic bottles.

The running group - with Steph, Alice, Sana and Helen - quickly left the park and headed towards Southside, the River Wandle and towards Wandsworth Park before closing the loop to the start point, totalling 4km. Our most unusual find was a golf club. It was great to have so many tooting horns, thumbs up and thank you's about town.

In total, we collected 251 cans, 80 glass bottles, 330 plastic bottles...plus a lot of rubbish so give yourselves a round of applause

Report written by Helen Killingley

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Painting at a local community centre

Monday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Anastasia Hancock

Battersea Arts Centre

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