
Group run


16 GoodGymers made their way 7.0km to help their local community in Barnet.

  • Christopher Lewis
  • Brighton runner
  • Heather
  • Beattie
  • Barnet runner
  • Pennie Varvarides
  • Barnet runner
  • Removed User
  • Joanna Wootten
  • Nicola Da Silva
  • Rachel Melinek
  • Dorian Levy
  • Graham Goldspink
  • Paul Salman
  • Lilian Tula
  • Alexandra
Tuesday, 28th of March 2017
Led by Pennie Varvarides

As always the team gathered at the Phoenix on our first day-lit run of the year! (The first half at least!) We were joined by GG newbie Alexandra and GG tourist Ollie. Give them a cheer!

After a quick warm up by the Phoenix, we split in into two splinter groups and made our way to the Barnet Furniture Centre for some upcycling. Damian lead the speedy group while I took the less speedy group, with Bristol Chris my trusty backmarker.

The others were already hard at work when we arrived on site. Jade, the task host, was very excited to have us all there helping and had plenty for us to do. Chris and Beattie managed to not eat the Lindt chocolate bar casually left behind them, earning them the 'Good' moniker, whilst almost getting their table looking ship-shape. Their smug faces say it all, really.

After 25 mins hard graft, and some dancing, it was time to say our goodbyes. We gathered outside for a quick photo, while I tried to avoid being run over, before splintering off once more for our run back to base.

The speedy team broke GG Barnet records, running the 3.8km back to base in just 21:08mins!

The Barnet Biscuit of the Week: HOMEMADE CHOCOLATE BROWNIES courtesy of Hazel

Next week we will be running back to BFC to carry on upcycling furniture. Tonight we did a week's worth of work in half an hour. Sign up here to help.

See you next week! Pennie

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Brighton runner
Brighton runner
Tuesday March 28th, 2017 23:58

Thanks for having me over guyzzzzzz!

Lilian Tula
Lilian Tula
Wednesday March 29th, 2017 10:07

Ahahaha, my brownie face! They were seriously good.

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Helping historical house and gardens (charity park) in North London.

Tuesday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Paul Salman
Phoenix Cinema

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