
GoodGym Lambeth

LambethCommunity mission
Nathan Wood

Hillside Fun Day Prep

Friday 17th May

Written by Nathan Wood

The hour flew past as we got busy pucking up litter and putting up some bunting

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LambethGroup run
Katie AllanSylvie Isaacsmarie noelle VieuMarcioMichael Welsh

Barrows and Mattocks and Hoes - Oh My!!

Tuesday 14th May

Written by Yianny (he / him)

It was a beautiful early summer's evening and we were excited to head over to Holy Trinity for some liftin' and shiftin' and also to see the amazing progress of the straw hall which is 99% finished!

First and foremost we were delighted to welcome Sylvie for her first GoodGym session, a word of mouth referral (we love those) it was lovely to have you with us Sylvie :0)

Katie was also back with us and took a fantastic action photo on our run through Brockwell Park then Tilly and Michael also joined as we did GG Lambeth Book Club this evening - some great recommendations.

After a lovely flat route run through the park and then we were there to meet James (aka Father Nature), Nicole and Adam and split into two groups 1) to shovel woodchip and spread it round the borders to suppress weeds and 2) grab a mattock or a hoe and dig back the edges of Ivy's garden to clear the paths. Jo, Paul and Marie-Noelle were already there and hard at work so we had some catching up to do.

So enjoyable was tonight's task that we nearly lost track of time but by ten past eight we had pretty much done all the tasks and were ready to head home.

Huge congrats to Nicole and her team for the amazing work on the hall and gardens and still plenty of jobs to do going forward so we look forward to being back soon.

Thanks all and see you next week!

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One step/snip at a time

Sunday 12th May

Written by Lambeth runner

Louise's first task, get the strimmer from the shed...strike that, chop down the bush blocking the path to the shed with the strimmer. After successfully defeating the bush and the spiders to get the strimmer, task two was to make it back without getting distracted. An hour and a half later, the strimmer was turned on for the last few minutes.

In the meantime, Louise cleared over growth from the wall and the path and chopped down cuttings so that they could fit into bags, whilst Jo cleared an area of lawn from the flowers and thorns which had taken over, and uncovered two garden chairs in the process!

There's lots still to do, but an afternoon has already made quite the difference and Mrs C is thrilled with the progress so far.

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A thorny situation.

Saturday 11th May

Written by Lambeth runner

On this beautiful sunny morning it was great to get out and help one of the local residents who's garden has been getting her down following surgery.

Diane initially revved up the mower and tackled the overgrown lawn and weeds whilst Jo utilised the step ladder to try and prune back some of the higher overgrowth.

With four metre high thorn bushes, this was no easy task, but we banded together, bore the scratches and managed to make a significant difference (and a shed height stack of trimmings).

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LambethGroup run
Tilly Baker HineFiJoao FernandesLiz Marsland

Thanks Very Mulch !!

Tuesday 7th May

Written by Yianny (he / him)

Last night we had a classic GG task on our hands - a good ole lift n shift - where we had to move two 1000kg bags of wood chip from the upper playground to the lower play garden at Jubilee Primary.

Let's Get Physical! https://i.pinimg.com/originals/42/c8/42/42c842fcd2c5b1311b694a8af964a134.gif

Run Leader Joao met AA Yianny, Fi and Tilly at Papa's while we planned to pick up Jo on our way and then meet our two walkers Liz (great to have you back with us!) and Marie-Noelle at the school.

It was a lovely run in the evening sun and we have now pivoted from GG Book Club to summer holz recommendations - Cyprus, Canada and Crete on the list for our runners - destinations beginning with other letters are available ;0)

With a lovely 18 degrees and sunny out everything was perfect and so we divided into two groups, one preparing the playground by weeding and clearing while the other shoveled (and bucketed) wood chip into a wheelbarrow then ran it down to be dumped.

The main challenge was having large steps between the playgrounds meaning we had to carry down the wheelbarrow and large bags but after a ten or so return trips all the mulch was moved and the playground was looking much better as well as safer for the kids to play on.

Juan has plenty more for us to do so we will be back at Jubilee Primary in two week's time - sign up here to get involved: https://www.goodgym.org/happenings/helping-juan-at-jubilee-primary-school-tuesday-s-group-run-a249a9e4-fa1e-4a89-b5db-b95b3c82da05

Big thanks to all and see you next week as we visit St Faith's to see the completion of the straw hall!

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LambethGroup run
YiannyJoao FernandesTilly Baker Hine

Keeping Lambeth Tidy

Tuesday 30th April

Written by Yianny (he / him)

Led by Joao - weather making an appearance - thanks to all!!

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