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Community mission

Wrapper's Delight

5 GoodGymers made their way to help the Brighton Unemployed Centre Families Project (BUCFP) in Brighton.

  • Rosie
  • Tara Shanahan
  • David Richards
  • Amro
  • Abi Cox
Tuesday, 8th of December 2020
Led by Tara Shanahan

For our first mission after lockdown, five Brighton Goodgymers (Abi, David, Rosie, Tara and Amro) ran/walked and cycled to Brighton Unemployed Centre Families Project (BUCFP) that provides practical support, education, advice and much more to struggling families living in challenging conditions.

We were warmly welcomed by Judy and Joy, who explained to us our task which was to help them wrap Christmas gifts donated by multiple charities to be distributed to kids from the families they support.

We worked in teams; Abi and myself wrapped gifts for kids aged 4 to 6, Rosie and David wrapped gifts for kids aged 5 to 7, while Tara took on wrapping gifts for kids aged 8+.

Time passed quickly between selecting toys, matching them with the kids' name list and wrapping them with festive paper while chatting about our upcoming plans for the holidays. Rest assured that all the kids were on Santa's Nice list for the year 2020.

We finished the task very quickly and Judy & Joy (who offered us warm drinks and chocolates to boost our energy) were thrilled with the outcome and said that it made them feel lifted up knowing that the task of wrapping gifts is out of their way in preparation for the Christmas gifts distribution event they are having on Sunday.

We said our goodbyes to the lovely ladies at BUCFP and headed on our separate ways feeling happy and rather festive after completing this mission.

W-rappers Delight By Amro Tabari A Brighton State of Mind (The Christmas Hip Hop) Yeah, yeah Ayo, my people, it's time to rap Straight outta the festive dungeons of the upcoming COVID jab

Another GoodGym mission to fill the gap

The Gifts drop deep so does my skid I run, 'cause to run is what I did Beyond the walls of toys, life is defined. I think of Christmas gift wrapping when I'm in a Brighton state of mind.

Hope the lifts got some shifts. My ifs don't like no dirty cliffs. Run up to the petroglyphs and get the riffs.

In a Brighton state of mind. What more could you ask for? The enthusiastic Gifts? You complain about cold weather and the windy cliffs. I gotta love it though - somebody still speaks for the riffs.

I'm rappin' to the Christmas, And I'm gonna move your isthmus.

Nice and naughty, like a Santa Girl, I tell ya, I thought you were a Fanta.

I can't take the cold weather but can take the Gift Wrapping. I woulda tried to wrap but I guess I got no tapping.

I'm rappin' to the isthmus, And I'm gonna move your Christmas.

Yea, yaz, in a Brighton state of mind.

Report written by Amro

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