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Joanna went on a group run

Mon 13th May at 6:30pm

Tackling a thorny issue

Wandsworth Report written by Anastasia Hancock (she/her)

Another beautiful early summer's evening, another Monday task in a special community space! Tonight 12 of us met up to run to Christchurch school where we had a big job to tackle the overgrown brambles that are threatening to take over the pupils' secret garden.

We enjoyed a downhill run to the school, where, after retrieving the keys, we let ourselves in to the space. It's a special area which is well hidden, and has been an amazing resource for the primary school children who have learned about the environment, how to grow and then cook and eat the fruit and veg they grow.

Unfortunately the plants have made a bid to take over, so we quickly donned gloves, selected our tools of choice, and waged war. The massive bramble was carefully clipped and bagged, the sticky weeds was shown no mercy, and the weeds around the site were plucked and composted.

After a good stint we headed over to the park nearby for some sprinting games. Despite some very sketchy descriptions of the drills from me, we tested our reactions and turn of speed with some impressive results! After a coin toss based chasing game, we moved on to chase the hare, where Sophie showed some brilliant form as the hare and Dylan and the rest of the group displayed steely determination to chase her down! All that was left was a brief core challenge and run back to base.

Great effort and results tonight, well done everybody. Next week Step will be leading a community mission instead of our usual group run. You can choose to meet her at the BAC as usual to run to our task at the GoodGym garden, or meet the group directly at the task. the choice is yours, but you can sign up and find all the details here] (

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Harvey GallagherDave Clarke
Joanna signed up to a group run.

Mon 13th May at 6:30pm

Joanna went on a group run

Mon 6th May at 11:45am

A bit of a pane in the glass

Wandsworth Report written by Anastasia Hancock (she/her)

It takes a special sort of person to give up their bank holiday Monday to help out a local community association, but that's exactly what eight GoodGymers did yesterday! What a bunch of holiday heroes.

A few of us met at our regular spot at the BAC. It had been pretty drizzly but we were optimistic the rain was going to stop....any minute. We should have known better - it was an English bank holiday after all!

We ran down to the Doddington Estate where we were met by an enthusiastic bunch of local people who had already made a head start. It was a bit like beautiful chaos, with a huge store room of donations needing to be sorted and laid out for people in the community to help themselves.

It didn't take long for us to get stuck in. Outside the team was folding and categorising all the clothes and toys, whilst inside the store room there was a lot of shifting and carrying to be done.

Despite the increasingly heavy rain there were plenty of passers by who were delighted to find just the right things ready for them to take home. Before long the place looked a lot more organised, but there was just one last job to do - and it was a big one!

We were tasked with moving the huge cooking station complete with many panes of glass right across the estate to the community centre. Luckily it was on wheels - well, at least it was to begin with. There were lots of bumps and pavements to contend with, and a couple of the wheels fell victim to the terrain. Still, we managed to make it there in one piece and with all glass intact. Amazing job!

Next week we're back to normal timing and we're off to de-bramble a local school. See you there!

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Dave ClarkeMichael WelshHarvey Gallagher
Joanna signed up to a group run.

Mon 6th May at 11:45am

Joanna went on a group run

Mon 22nd Apr at 6:30pm

We came, we sawed, we composted

Wandsworth Report written by Anastasia Hancock (she/her)

We packed so much into such a short amount of time that I'm not sure how we're still standing today! Don't believe me? Read on for a run down on our brilliant Monday night at GoodGym Wandsworth...

First we met and welcomed Chris to his very first session - brilliant to have you join us Chris, and we definitely appreciate your green-fingered expertise!

We said a huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jordan, who got given the task of choosing the weekly question after our warm up. As it was Earth Day he went for a plant based one, and we all chose our favourite flower.

Then we had our run up to Paradise Cooperative garden, a beautiful space for local people to grow and for educational programs for children. We divided up into two teams - one to tackle the turning of the compost, and one to saw up wood into pieces that could be used on the bonfire.

There is zero wastage at Paradise, so the wood was going to be used for community bonfires and the compost, which was rich with all sorts of beasties, was destined to be spread on the flower and veg beds.

Jobs done, we then popped over to the common to take on the three minute plank challenge, before racing to a local restaurant to make our reservation for 2 for 1 burgers!

To finish off a very busy but very joyful night we were treated to the most magnificent three layer cake with incredibly special icing courtesy of super baker Catherine, and some squidgely fabulous brownies from Sophie who had also tracked down the burger deal and booked for us. Team work truly does make the dream work!

Next week we're back at Doddington roof garden followed by our monthly pub quiz. See you there. And another very happy birthday to Jordan (and Paul and Catherine for recent celebrations too!).

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Matthew StuartHarvey Gallagher
Joanna signed up to a group run.

Mon 22nd Apr at 6:30pm

Lots of jobs at Paradise Garden

Lend a hand at this community space

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Matthew Stuart
Joanna went on a group run

Mon 8th Apr at 6:30pm

Bready, steady, go!

Wandsworth Report written by Anastasia Hancock (she/her)

Last night we found out that Wandsworth GGers love to bake, go to the gym, crochet, cook and eat - that's a lot of different hobbies! But one thing we all have in common is that we love getting active and helping out in our local community. So, after our usual warm up, last night we headed down to the Venue community centre to lend a hand at Waste Not Want Not.

This organisation aims to provide local people with food that would otherwise go to waste, but with their usual hub out of action for the meantime, it has moved to a local community centre. They're struggling with a lack of resources and people to help out, so Hadas, the organiser, asked us to come along to give some support.

We started off with getting rid of the food which couldn't be saved, including several loaves of fancy bread. Then we moved on to the other jobs which included recycling, composting and clearing. We then moved on to the kitchen. At first look it needed a lot of attention, but we were not to be put off. Snapping on latex gloves we got to work wiping down sides, putting away pots and pans and clearing surfaces. It didn't take long to be able to see a real difference.

Hadas needs some help getting the area ready for a baking session for the blind on Thursday, so if you can spare half an hour on Wednesday evening doing a little extra tidy up, it would be much appreciated. You can sign up and find the details here.

Job done, we had the luxury of an inside space complete with yoga mats for our fitness session. So we went through ten different body weight exercises focusing on the major muscle groups building strength and conditioning. Unfortunately, while we were having fun doing glute bridges, crunches and planks, it had started to tip it down outside. So, with hoods up and fuelled by parkrun chat we raced back to base.

This weekend if you fancy a bit of fresh air and to help out at Doddington community garden, there is a community mission at 11 am turning over veg beds. Hope to see you there!

Next week we're back at the GoodGym garden to get busy planting seeds and potatoes - come and see how it is developing and turning into a lovely, flourishing space!

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Matthew StuartHarvey GallagherAnastasia Hancock
Joanna signed up to a group run.

Mon 8th Apr at 6:30pm

Helping out at Waste Not Want Not

Come and join us to do some good, have some fun and enjoy a little bit of fitness!

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Joanna went on a group run

Mon 4th Mar at 6:30pm

Shaking our grasses

Wandsworth Report written by Anastasia Hancock (she/her)

It was one of our favourite Mondays of the entire month last night - our regular visit to Doddington roof garden followed by our monthly pub quiz. And this one certainly lived up to expectations!

We kicked off the night as usual at the BAC where we welcomed Laudy to her very first session - great to meet you.

We then did some reps which got our heart rates up, before going round the group to discuss who we would invite to our fantasy pub quiz team. With Stephen Fry, Thomas Edison, Barack Obama, Boris Johnson and, er, Eddie Redmayne joining our super team, I think we'd clear up!

We set off for Doddington community roof garden to meet Malissa who quickly divided us up into two teams. While half of the group got started lifting grass, shaking off the mud, and saving it for replanting, the second lot began tackling the task of emptying and transporting the water butt. It sounded easier than it was. However hard they tried it would just not budge. Emptying the water with cans, trying to prise out the grate, and even attempting to leverage it with spades all sadly proved fruitless, so it was a case of abandoning this particular challenge (for now) and moving on.

There was plenty more to do, from weeding, to replanting grass and shifting turf and before we knew it our time was up. But not before we had done our weekly fitness session.This time it was EMOM - every minute on the minute. The idea is that we all do a certain number of exercises at any pace during a minute before moving on to the next set. With loads of squats, tricep dips, lunges and jacks, we worked every major muscle group and kept warm in the growing drizzle.

The pub was just a short jog away, so without wasting any time we set off for the warm inviting interior and found our places. It was another glorious week for GG quizzers as we managed to sweep third and FIRST place, with the winning team bagging another lot of funds for our garden. It's going to look blooming marvelous come the summer.

Next week I'm just waiting for confirmation that we'll have a change of task and will be heading back to Doddington to help shift a delivery of compost, so watch this space! We also have our weekly hot food delivery on Sunday, and plenty of other ways to help out too.

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Harvey Gallagher
