Fay Downing


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Litter Pick!
🗓Wednesday 26th June 6:30pm

📍The Old Factory CM1 1UE

Keeping the area tidy

Fay DowningSallyann JeffreyAndy Holmes
3 GoodGymers are going
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Fay Downing
Fay Downing went on a group run

Wed 12th Jun at 6:30pm


Chelmsford Report written by Rich Walker

With it (apparently) being summer, tonights task was to help Hearing Help Essex with their garden by filling a skip with as much garden waste as we could.

Fay, Sallyann, Laurie and Angela had arranged to meet us at the task, leaving myself, Andy and Paul to run down from the gym.

As we chatted we were greeted by Saeed who had just signed up for his first task with us. WELCOME SAEED

We made our way down the High Street and to Hearing Help Essex's new digs behind Moulsham Mill only to find Fay had already jumped in the skip to make more space, with the rest filling it up in quick time.

Setting to work on a pile of grass, leaves, twigs and branches we moved onto sacks filled with even more garden waste and finished off by pulling more weeds out of the garden pathway.

A big thank you to all that came and a big shout out to Saeed who brought some much needed strength to the group and on his first task with us got straight into it.

See you all soon

Run Happy


p.s. We will be back at Hearing Help Essex again this coming Wednesday.

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Fay Downing
Fay Downing signed up to a party.

Sun 7th Jul at 7:00pm

Fay Downing
Fay Downing went on a group run

Wed 5th Jun at 6:30pm

Budget Thrillers and Wheelbarrow Fillers

Chelmsford Report written by Laurie Glendinning

We were happy to see Jess back for her first run in a few weeks, and after a lengthy discussion about SPF along with myself and Angela, we confirmed the planned roles of Joe as photographer and Andy as backmarker, and of course posed for a cat/thriller photo.

Whilst approaching the church, Rich took sneaky photos from his window of the group approaching the church. Perhaps creepy to some, but we're used to it.

Our task was to continue digging the trench around the church perimeter, but it proved more tough and more biting-insect ridden than last time. None of us were quite as smart as Fay in putting on full length clothing to avoid the insects. Rich and Andy put themselves forward for wheelbarrow duty, and everyone kept them on their toes, particularly David by flinging shovels of debris at them rather than carefully into the wheelbarrow.

Upon leaving the church, only Joel responded to my question about route, so we took a slightly longer route back through the park to get our total distance to almost 4km.

Great work digging everyone, and all the hard work should mean we have more tasks for them in the future!

See you all soon.


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David Chatterjee
Fay Downing
Fay Downing went on a group run

Wed 29th May at 6:30pm

Chipping in with a barrow of barks

Chelmsford Report written by Rich Walker

A slightly longer run than usual saw 8 Legends meet up at our HQ and begin our journey out to Broomfield and St Mary's church. Tonights task was to put woodchips down along a path between a hedge row and a fence running along the side of th church.

In no time at all we had reached the church and met Fay and Sallyann who had walked there and then we broke into 2 teams of 5.

With some shoveling into the wheelbarrows, some moving and tipping the chips and others raking the woodchips along the path, it would appear to the casual observer that this seemed to be a well oiled machine.... and that we know what we are doing.

So much so, that time flew by and we managed to get a great deal done before getting stuck into some well deserved biscuits and squash (I may have had more than one biscuit but who's counting).

With bellies full and satisfied with a job well done we set off and made our way back to base.

Next week we are back at St Johns church on Moulsham street ( if you fancy a shorter run).

Thanks all for coming

Run Happy


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Sallyann Jeffrey
Fay Downing
Fay Downing went on a training session

Sun 26th May at 10:00am

G to the O to the O to the D to the G to the Y to the M

Chelmsford Report written by David Chatterjee

Some may remember lockdown for different reasons, but i am sure most remember it for the GoodGym spelling challenge! You have to go for a run or walk to spell out GoodGym, and Laurie is the arbiter of taste (she married me so you know her taste is on point).

Fay was first out the blocks. Setting the tone for the event.

Jess took her route to the countryside. Some creative uses of a skip, and an additional point for posting hers in the strava group, which no one else did.

Sallyann went for the street name approach, the highlight was Mimosa Drive, she is never far away from the booze is she! Also got PTSD from beat the street! Great work.

Andy had a creative streak where his football knowledge is lacking, and went very inventive with shapes of the letters in everyday objects.

A stunning attempt by David, spelling out GoodGym while drinking beer and even giving Dukes a shoutout to bring tears to the eyes of those over 40.

Angela managed an effort despite having cycled 100 miles, and having to deal with Rich for seven hours. Bonus points were awarded. Rich also did a London one too but we don't award victories to Rich.

Leanne forgot the deadline and was surely a dark horse for the title if she had attempted.

And the winner is - with the grand prize of being able to be number one in the headcount at the next session....

ANDY! Judge's comments 'surprisingly creative, unique attempt. Great work everyone.'

I can also only apologise for the image choice. I didn't know what to use. I hope no one was reading this while eating.

Also sorry if we missed anyone! Let me know and the judges can reconvene.

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Fay Downing

Tue 28th May at 10:01pm

Well done Andy! 👏🏻

Fay Downing
Fay Downing signed up to a group run.

Wed 12th Jun at 6:30pm

Fay Downing
Fay Downing signed up to a group run.

Wed 5th Jun at 6:30pm

A task at Moulsham Church

Helping support a local church.

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Fay Downing
Fay Downing signed up to a training session.

Sun 26th May at 10:00am

Sallyann JeffreyLaurie Glendinning
