
Group run

Jet set go!

11 GoodGymers made their way 2.9km to help the Harmony Hub in Coventry.

  • Laura Denham
  • Lilian
  • Jackie Dines
  • Susanne Foellmer
  • Graeme Papa Strumpf Mulvaney
  • Maddie Lee
  • Coventry runner
  • James
  • JillAshley
  • Georgia Knights
  • Stuart Coles
Tuesday, 30th of April 2024
Led by Laura Denham

11 GoodGymers returned to Harmony Hub on this sunny Tuesday eve. We were to meet James and Jackie there while Nigel, looking cool on his bike, cycled over with the rest of us put our running shoes to work. Huge cheers to Stuart for his first run with us and yippee to Jill wearing her new GoodGym Tee with pride this eve.

We picked up where we left off last week, tossing all the junk in the skip. Everyone dove right in and the skip was overflowing in no time, a couple of us rescued a few treasures to take home too :)

Graeme and Nigel were busy potting up some faux trees for the entrance, bringing some fake freshness to the place. We had a giggle with the jet wash when it started off as a sad little trickle but together we got it working. Maddie and Jackie took on the mission of washing the grime off the path and patio making it a lot cleaner and brighter by the finish. A few of the team worked on cleaning up the pram store and collecting items to be thrown from the adjoining nursery car park.

More litter picking was also needed this week, filling a few more bags. Sadly, keeping this place clean is a full time gig!

All in all, lots more great work done here tonight. Thank you everyone!

There is more to be done so make sure you get signed up to our next visit on the 14th May.

Report written by Laura Denham

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Laura Denham
Led by Laura Denham

Likes being out in the fresh air, running, socialising and spreading kindness. Favourite quote, 'Be the change you want to see in the world'

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Graeme Papa Strumpf Mulvaney
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Maddie Lee

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Sorting at Clothing Coventry

Tuesday 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Laura Denham
Coventry Boys and Girls Club

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