Yoga ta do yoga !

6 Goodgymers helped their local community in Barnet

Tuesday 23rd April

Report written by Paul Salman

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goodGym members came together to do online yoga.

Yoga talk

Fascia plays a crucial role in both injury protection and recovery. Let’s dive deeper into how it relates to injury: Initial Protection: When you experience an injury (such as a muscle strain or tear), the fascia surrounding the affected area acts as a protective barrier. It helps contain inflammation, prevents further damage, and provides stability. Think of it as a natural splint that immobilizes the injured tissue to allow healing to begin. Restriction and Adhesions: However, if the injury heals without proper attention, the fascia can become restricted. Scar tissue forms within the fascial layers, creating adhesions. These adhesions can limit movement, reduce flexibility, and cause discomfort. Imagine a web of interconnected fibers becoming tangled or stuck together. Chronic Pain and Reduced Mobility: Over time, untreated fascial restrictions can lead to chronic pain and decreased mobility. The fascia loses its elasticity, affecting joint function and overall movement. You might notice stiffness, reduced range of motion, or discomfort during certain activities. Myofascial Release: To address this, techniques like myofascial release are used. Myofascial release involves applying gentle pressure to specific points along the fascia to release adhesions and restore mobility. Yoga, as mentioned earlier, also contributes to myofascial health by promoting hydration, flexibility, and mindful movement. Preventing Permanent Restriction: It’s essential to work on fascial health even after an injury has healed. Regular movement, stretching, and targeted exercises help prevent permanent restriction. Yoga, with its emphasis on dynamic stretching and mindful awareness, can be particularly effective in maintaining healthy fascia. In summary, while fascia initially protects injured areas, neglecting its care can lead to long-term restrictions. By incorporating practices like yoga and myofascial release, we can promote fascial health, prevent chronic issues, and maintain mobility as we age. 🧘‍♂️🌟

Session Leader
Area activator
Marianne Bradshaw
Georgina Turnbull
Jax Burgoyne
Paul Salman
Mary Caudle
Join us on our next session


Wildlife Count at the Barnet Tiny Forest
🗓Sunday 19th May 11:30am

Improve a community resource

Daniel MermelsteinPenny SalmanPaul Salman
3 GoodGymers are going

Discuss this report

Tue 23rd Apr at 3:31pm

Great session - thank you Paul! I definitely hope to attend more. Thanks so much for making this available to us. I would definitely recommend it to others 👍🏼

Paul Salman

Wed 24th Apr at 10:48am

Please sign

Paul Salman

Wed 24th Apr at 10:48am

please sign up if you hope to come.