
Training session

Fitness 4 All- Lambeth

4 GoodGymers made their way 3.0km on a training session in Hackney.

  • Polly Skeats-Beswick
  • Joel Wiles
  • Lucy Ranson
  • Frances Collier-Wright
Thursday, 20th of July 2017
Led by Joel Wiles

4 of GoodGyms finest refined our running form to perfection!

A lovely South London evening brought together a team ready to improve their running form in a hurry!

Getting the lower body conditioning in early on with a big focus of activating and using our glutes, firing our quads and hip flexors and skilfully single leg balancing.

Hammering out many variations and combinations of balances, squats, lunges and the sneaky straight leg chops we really upped the conditioning game!

We then moved onto our bouncy running drills tinkering with everyone's specific coaching points really downloading the perfect form to our brains and muscles.

Before we finished off with our last drops of running energy with some powerful, well balanced and rhythmical speedy laps!

Thank you all for your hard work! Hope you enjoyed the session, see you for the last one in the Lambeth block next week!

Smooth Running


Report written by Joel Wiles

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Wilton Estate Community Garden

Wednesday 18:30 - 20:00
Led by Joel Wiles
London Fields

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