
Group run

A walk in the parkrun

4 GoodGymers made their way 2.0km to help the Ealing Foodbank in Ealing.

  • York runner
  • Kash
  • Beata
  • Anuj Sharma
Saturday, 24th of February 2024
Led by Kash

The Southall parkrun-to-foodbank team that carried donations from Southall Park to St Mellitus Church was a special one as it had a walking option for those who were happy to take it easy after running 5k at parkrun or were injured.

Two parkrunners made their debut as GoodGymers today! Anuj and Beata, who are fantastic team-players, stuck together for the entire course, and later were very patient waiting for the event to finish to set off with the gang.

Louise, who wants to run all parkruns within M25, decided to visit Southall last minute and signed up to two Ealing community missions. She also helped with token sorting to speed up the team's departure to foodbank.

Kash, who was leading the walk to the foodbank, was barcode scanning. She also had a chance to grab the parkrun megaphone during the brienfing and announce the GoodGym-parkrun-foodbank initiative.

The GoodGymers met Jags who was helping with preparing today's course and then ran the parkrun. He had to run to another community project after the parkrun but it was great to see him again.

An extra addition to the team was the run director Sunday who stepped in to the role last minute. He was also the one who spontaneously joined our group and bought his donation quickly on the walk to foodbank - he's a star!

Despite our group had the shortest distance to cover, we left our parkrun as the last attendees and walked, so we arrived at the foodbank as the last group. Last but not least! The teams from other parkrun-to-foodbank runs still waited for us at Momentum coffee shop and. It was nice to see friends and have a treat after the morning of running and walking! Such a fantastic initiative set up by Harvey!

Report written by Kash

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Led by Kash

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✂️ Recycle old jeans to create bunting for community groups 🪡🧵

Tuesday 18:30 - 20:30
Led by Kash
Bodyline Studio

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