
Group run

Rake up and smell the coffee

5 GoodGymers made their way 5.9km to help their local community in Bromley.

  • Mark Gilyead
  • Ian Moore
  • Bromley runner
  • Emma King
  • Georgina
Monday, 20th of February 2023
Led by Mark Gilyead

Last night 5 massive legends turned out for a 6k run and a good deed supporting Richard (our pal from Ignition Brewery) who’s planting 100 trees outside Haseltine Primary School. It’s a bit of a grey area (visually) so some greenery will be a welcome addition!

We met at the Bridge House, shared our fave Disney films and did a quick warm up on the way to our task in Lower Sydenham.

When we arrived, Richard had marked out a square of grass. Our job was to dig in and turn it over and then empty some bags of manure and used coffee grounds to add some goodness into the soil.

Apart from accidentally ending up on little islands of un-turned soil and getting somewhat muddy trainers, it all went pretty smoothly…

It turned out to be a really decent whole body workout and coupled with the nearly 6km we clocked up, a solid evening’s work!

Nice one gang 🔥

Richard is back for a big planting session on Saturday - click here if you’re able to join!

Report written by Mark Gilyead

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🏃‍♂️ GROUP SESH // Chicken Run pt. 2

Monday 19:00 - 20:30
Led by Mark Gilyead

The Bridge House

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