
Group run

Let’s Get Leafleting

4 GoodGymers made their way 5.0km to help the Motherwell Cheshire in Crewe.

  • Nicola Marshall
  • Karen Whitehead
  • Maurice Fitzgerald
  • Nigel Whitehead
Wednesday, 12th of June 2024
Led by Nicola Marshall

After all the rain we’ve had in recent weeks, we could not have wished for a nicer evening to do our leafleting task for Motherwell

Karen , Nigel, Maurice and Nicola set off on the scenic route to the housing estate where we were going to be delivering leaflets. Our walk took us through the woods and along the path by Joey the Swan. We didn’t see any swans mind you… :-) However, the housing estate we were delivering in had all their roads named after waterfowl. The ones I can remember are teal, pochard, mandarin, wigeon, cob and shoveler. I can’t remember anymore but I bet Karen can!!

The leaflets we were delivering were promoting Motherwell’s services, in particular their forthcoming attendance at the village fete where they are having a stall to help fundraise for the charity and to help continue to fund all the amazing work they do.

We all agreed that it was a lovely evening to be outside, especially in such a nice area. We were surrounded by fields, trees and the woods. It was lovely. Couple all of that with great company and it made for the perfect task.

We managed to deliver all of the leaflets and had a lovely walk back. We covered a fabulous 3 miles in total.

It was great to see Nigel back this evening. We've missed you!

Another fab task completed! Well done everyone ❤

Have a great week.

Lots of love. Nicola xxx

Report written by Nicola Marshall

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Goodgym Crewe Task TBC

Wednesday 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Nicola Marshall
Crewe Town Council

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