Richard Smith


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Richard Smith
Richard Smith went on a group run

Wed 29th May at 6:30pm

Harvey GallagherYiannySam Lefevre

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Richard Smith

Wed 29th May at 8:26am

Hi Sam meet you there..

Sam Lefevre
Sam Lefevre (he/him)

Wed 29th May at 8:39am

Thanks Richard for letting me know - 19:15 or earlier, if you want to help Simon or get started on building the raised bed as I know you have done it before.

Richard Smith
Richard Smith signed up to a group run.

Wed 29th May at 6:30pm

Group Run: Community Gardening at Thorlands

Tidying up this community garden as we continue with its project and vision

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YiannySam Lefevre
Richard Smith
Richard Smith signed up to a community mission.

Sat 11th May at 12:00pm

Community gardening @ Thorlands

Will allow the community garden to flourish and for local residents to enjoy the natural space and food that is grow there

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Sam Lefevre
Richard Smith
Richard Smith went on a group run

Wed 8th May at 6:30pm

That's Wild!

Southwark Report written by Sam Lefevre (he/him)

Must be something in the air or just the first signs of proper Spring weather as we did not just have one newbie, but two. Well, technically, Imogen had done a community session in Hackney a few years ago and Cecilia had another account, but we still treated them as first timers - welcoming them into Old Spike Peckham.

Along with the newbies, Sam met up with Maria, Alex, Sophie and Daryl as everyone came well before 18:45, so Sam could start his intro speech earlier. He did the long version to let the newbies know all about GoodGym and ended with his ice-breaker question which was: "Most memorable or best customer service you have received (either restaurant, experience or issue resolved)?"

Many found it hard as people remember the bad experiences more than the good, but we got a few shoutouts to local restaurants and restaurant providers, retailers that responded to feedback emails as well as Tesco's in Surrey Quays and McDonalds in Wigan for their awesome service.

It would be wild to "eat around the world"

After a quick warm up on the Green, Sam led the group out of Peckham whilst Daryl backmarked. Within 20 minutes, we ran up Chadwick Road (we always find it tough) and came down the other side to end up in Camberwell to meet Catalina (task owner), Richard, Elena, Folarin and Benjamin at the Wildlife Triangle. Sam also met Annette from the Camberwell Green Farmer's Market who kindly dropped off "Eat Around the World" flyers as this community event will be taking place next Saturday (18th).

Most were up for staying to garden and tidy up the Wildlife Triangle, but Sam and Sophie ran off with the flyers to do 25 minutes of flyer drops on Valmar Road and Crawford Road - tackling the big estates with multiple flats. They definitely hit their climb and step count.

Meanwhile, back at Elmington, the team cut back on the brambles, nettles and other weeds. Yet, they had to leave certain parts of the Wildlife Triangle to be wild. Finally, to ensure the weeds do not grow back as quickly, they put down some woodchip mulch.

Just like clockwork as Sam and Sophie arrived back for 20:00, the group were also finishing up. A quick group photo and then a run back to Peckham for a quick stretch on the Green and to obtain our belongings at Old Spike. Benjamin had run back with us and was up for a drink, so Daryl, Maria and Sam sticked around for a pint at the Angel Oak.

Thank You to all the GG-ers

A personal thanks from me to all those who came out last night! Congrat again to the newbies; Imogen and Cecilia for coming along and hope you had a lovely first session with us. Catalina appreciates everything that we do, so she passes her thanks. Thank you to Maria for taking the photos and Daryl for backmarking. Kudos to all!

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Olivia WallerYiannySam Lefevre
Richard Smith
Richard Smith signed up to a group run.

Wed 8th May at 6:30pm

Group Run: Gardening @ Elmington Community Gardens

Ensuring the community garden can use the woodchip mulch for their green spaces

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Richard Smith
Richard Smith went on a group run

Wed 1st May at 6:30pm

A hole in the Galleywall

Southwark Report written by Southwark runner

Last night, 14 Goodgymmers came out to help out at Galleywall Nature Reserve.

First to arrive at our meeting point, Old Spike, was Steve, who had been away recently. Whilst we caught up, newbie Chong arrived - and then nipped back out to check out a bike shop. Similarly, Isaac came dashing in, only to dash back out to do a quick lap of the Rye. Emma, Sarah, Nelly, Fi, Tim and Katy arrived and stayed 😅

Once everyone had arrived, I started welcome speech, and we gave a proper welcome to Chong. Our ice breaker question this week was related to the task... "Imagine we're going on a nature walk together, what do you see?". Tim started us off with a caterpillar, Chong gave some insight into his favourite sports team, and everyone else built a beautiful scene with a river, a waterfall, some salmon swimming in the river, some light filtering through the trees...🥹. It was a great team effort!

After a quick warm-up, we set off on our 4k run to Galleywall. I think it was the warmest day we've had this year, so it was a sweaty one!

When we arrived at Galleywall, James, Richard, Daryl and Andrada were already there. Eddie from Galleywall welcomed us and explained to us the task: we had to move some logs out of a ditch, and then put them back in a less haphazard manner, so that it would be safe for children.

Even though outcome was clear, we were not certain about how to achieve it initially. Steve came up with the idea of taking everything out the ditch, and then putting the big things back first, to give a stable base, so we rolled with that. We got into pairs and started to self-organise, and we completed the task surprisingly quickly.

Eddie came to inspect out work, and during this, he had the idea to dismantle some of the bug hotels so that people at the bus stop would be able to look through the "windows" to see into the nature reserve. After some discussion and experimentation, we opened up two windows.

At some point Daryl got separately picked to mow the grass.

Just as I started to worry that there may not be enough work for us, Eddie came round with laminated booklets which was a guided nature walk of the nature reserve. We split off into fours and off we went!

We finished at 8pm exactly to run/walk/cycle back to Peckham, perfect timing for our social at Skylarking. 🍻

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Olivia WallerYiannySam LefevreHarvey Gallagher
Richard Smith
Richard Smith signed up to a group run.

Wed 1st May at 6:30pm

Group Run: Back to the Nature Reserve [May edition] 🌱 + Monthly Social

Helping the Nature Reserve with their re-development project and get the site ready for Spring

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Richard Smith
Richard Smith signed up to a community mission.

Tue 30th Apr at 7:00pm

Richard Smith
Richard Smith went on a community mission

Sat 27th Apr at 12:00pm

Every cloud has a netted lining

Southwark Report written by Lambeth runner

Despite the threatening clouds and chill in the air the rain held off so we were able to proceed as planned at Thorlands.

Simon got us all to work figuring out how to copy the netted frame completed by GGers in a prior session and we all took our turns with the drills.

After a while the group split to make the most of our time, so Richard and David went next door to the garden to continue some of the work done during the group run and made good headway shifting and getting weeds to where they could be more benefit - the compost heap. Meanwhile Tracey and Jo continued woodworking and managed to get a 3D product ready for Simon to work his magic with the netting!

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YiannySevanHarvey Gallagher
